Foothills Kiwanis of Boulder Valley
Serving the children of the world since 1969
Kids need Kiwanis
Current Volunteer Opportunities
February 17: Prepare Care Bags for Homeless at street corners, Regular club meeting, 7AM
February 22: Sweet Dream in a Bag: Handout Bedding and care packages to children in difficult foster care situation.
Sundays, 2x/month: Help us with Alert Dog training. Email foothillskiwanis@gmail.com
Sweet Dream in a Bag
Once a year we package bedding and personal items for children in difficult foster care situations.
Info for newbees
+ show up early. Parking can be tight in holiday season.
Allows time to transfer bib and info with previous ringer
+ If you are last ringer of the day, take bib, bells, kettle and stand to service office of store.
+ If you are first ringer of day, or the previous time slot was a no-show, get the above from the office.
+ Sometimes a SA officer or employ will come to take the bucket. Insure they are not just making this up. Usually will have a van ID'd as Salvation Army.
+ This has never happened, but just in case. Do not engage with thieves. Stand back and let them have it. The world won't end
Kid's Need Kiwainis