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Erie Satellite Club, January.

Left, distributing back packs to Erie Unified Basketball team.(Erie members in blue, L to R: Dale, Dave, Ryan, Darci, Lori) 


Below, volunteering at Erie Middle School Robotics Competition (Darcy, Lori, Dale, Jeff)

January 23 — formal induction of new members Scott F (left) and Randy C (right). With President Matt (center) 

January 19 - Key Club members from Peak-to-Peak making Valentines cards for teachers, with Ms Gould. Also helped with set up and clean up of Middel School Dance.  Next: campus trash sorting.  A very busy and service oriented club

January 23 - Local amateur historian extraordinaire, Bill Reich, gave a presentation on local businesses long ago that went boom, then bust. 
He spent most time on the fox farms.

Service Dog Graduation Day for Phoebe -- during a club meeting, Jan 30. Right with program founder, Jerry Gilland.  Left with club's project champion, Alan Boeve


Left, Heather Ehle, CEO and founder of Project Sanctuary speaks to our club about her organization.  For over 15 years they've been helping military families deal with the emotional and physical demands that service puts on on soldiers' families [February 13]

Right, Vance Wagenknecht informs us of the many, many things going on with Google -- from their founding, to the formation of Alphabet, to satellite imaging, and now AI (Bart).  [February 20]  


February 24, Peak to Peak Builder Club, officers for 2023-24 school year, Prisha, Wes and David, with advisor Rachel Medina

Our three 2023 scholarship awardees and families: Osvaldo, Jonah and Suntali 

Memorial Day: Some of our club's Bolder Boulder starting line security crew
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Pack Away Hunger volunteers, April 15. Kiwanis partners with RSLC to pack thousands and thousands of meals for Colorado Children who are nutritionally challenged.  

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Gerry Morrell presents his astonishing photo album of his personal wildlife shots, August 20

Service Dog Fitz, graduation photo with recipient Chayse (September 2023)

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September, Broomfield Days.  Foothills Kiwanians help man the Salvation Army Booth

Sweet Dream in a Bag, Kiwanians join other groups (like Key Club) to pack and give away personalized bedding, pillows, toys and books to children in difficult foster situations.

A few of our esteemed club members ringing the bell and manning the Salvation Army kettle.  Dave (right) and Herm (left)


Last 2 bell ringer photos of 2023: Vince left, Bob right

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Kid's Need Kiwainis



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