Foothills Kiwanis of Boulder Valley
Serving the children of the world since 1969
Kids need Kiwanis
Some 2018 Salvation Army Bell ringers. Clockwise from upper left: Little Helpers, Cap't Mark and Rich P, P2P Key Clubbers, Townsend Group, Key Club kid, Bill A.
(L to R): Laurance, Bob M, mystery ringer and member Annette.
Austin and service dog Kal help Jerry and Bandit on bell ringing duty
Sept 24: Dave is inducted as Club President for FY 2018-19.
Ceremonial handing over the gavel, from President Paul
Nov 10: Lilly, her alert dog Gizmo and dad attend club meeting to testify to the benefit of the service dog our club bought and trained. Gizmo has absolutely transformed their lives and made many wonderful things possible. Lilly, Mark and Gizmo continue to be great ambassadors for our flagship program.
Aug 24: Pack Away Hunger Event. Foothills Kiwanians (with spouses and children) part of team of 62 volunteers who put together over 15,500 disaster relief meals
Event at Salvation Army facility. Includes volunteers from Risen Savior Lutheran Church & Wells Fargo
Some of the 17 Foothills Kiwanians and family who helped with the Pack Away Hunger volunteer event
August: Peak to Peak HS Key Club is off to a rocking start this school year!
August: District Convention in Greeley, CO. Attended by members Bob M, David B and Dave R.
June 25: Morgan L and her Alert Dog Pepper. Morgan & her mom visit our club to give a moving testimonial about how Pepper has improved their lives.
Longtime member Pete Sprenkle is honored for his 40 years of dedication to developing and supporting girls' softball. Opening day ceremonies at Pete Sprenkle Field, Boulder Colorado
Present to recognize Pete are BVGSA Area Director Misie Goodard and fellow Kiwanian Bob M
Bolder Boulder: Memorial Day. Nine Kiwanians (with a couple spouses) and 3 from Peak to Peak Key Club voluteer to work security at the starting line of the famous Bolder Boulder on it's 40th running! This hard working crew helped see over 50,000 onto the course.
Winners of 2018 Stars of Tomorrow: Grace S and Caleb B.
(Below) Ms Medina is recognized with plaque honoring her commitment to success of the Peak to Peak Key Club with her leadership and inspiration as faculty advisor. Presented by President Paul
(Left) -- Member Steve H tells about the training, trials and tribulations of running (and completing!!) the Boston Marathon as an amputee. The weather was miserable, but Steve persevered. He's truly an inspiration.
Peak to Peak Key Club at conclusion of fundraiser for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
April 14: 17 Kiwanians and spouses help prepare bedding packages for the foster child program "Sweet Dream in a Bag." Shown here, Jerry and Janet Gilland and Adam P
It was a really big production with over 60 volunteers
Over 100 bags with bedding, pillows, books and gifts were prepared for foster children.
Peak to Peak Key Club puts on Beach Bash Party for elementary students.
Left: Dry run, March 14 at Salvation Army
Below: Event, April 5, 90 local elementary students partake in games
February 11: Alert Dog Graduation ceremony. Left: New graduates -- Lelia with Gizmo, and Luke with Bodhi​.
Below: cast with some other recent Alert Dog Graduates.
Jan 17: Captain Mark presented and celebrated the successes of the Salvation Army Christmas season, from Angel Trees to Red Kettle Ringing.
Left: President Paul accepts the trophy on behalf of our club for most hours worked and funds raised by any local group.
Kid's Need Kiwainis