Foothills Kiwanis of Boulder Valley
Serving the children of the world since 1969
Kids need Kiwanis
2017 Photo Album

Thanksgiving through Christmas Eve, Kiwanians (and friends) provided annual service at the Salvation Army Kettle at two locations in Boulder.
Clockwise from top left: Hope and Cap'n Mark, Bob, Dave, Joe, Laurance and Bert

November: Mike Lujan receives the Pete Sprenkle Coaching Excellence Award for 2017, honoring his outstanding commitment to Girls' Softball.
With Misie Goodard, President of BVGSA, IPGSA and Fall Ball.
New Officer Installation for 2017-18

Lt Gov Heather installs new president Paul
Outgoing president David with the ceremonial handing over the gavel to incoming president Paul
President David presents the our Kiwanis club year in review.
Sept 9 Gifting Event for
Sweet Dream in a Bag,
at Gabriel House

Many hands* helped in the experience of the "gifting event." 26 foster children received personalized bedding, gifts, books and hygiene paraphernalia.
(* Six club Kiwanians, one member spouse, an adult son and one mentee)
Sept 9 Craig and his mentee with recipient at Sweet Dream in a Bag gifting event, at Gabriel House

Sweet Dream directors and founders Suzie and Wayne Fox receive club donation check from club member & treasurer Joe

Young Life International informed us that Ndamva “Mbikene” Mwale graduated from the University of Malawi. Our club has been a partial sponsor of Mbikene for the past three years via our donation to Young Life – Developing Global Leaders Program. Mbikene’s major is Information Technology.
June 13: Dedication of Pete Sprenkle Field
Boulder, Colorado

Friends, family, Kiwanians and officials from Boulder Valley Girls Softball Assoc gather to dedicate Pete Sprenkle Field, to honor Pete and his many decades of commitment to providing softball instruction and opportunity.
Pete Sprenkle
Pete's granddaughter and former player
June 12: Dog Days Golf Outing Fundraiser,
at Lake Valley Golf Club

Over $14,000 raised for our foundation at the Dog Days event. 57 golfers, 16 Kiwanian volunteers, plus spouses helped put on the event.
Left: Registration table
Below left: Alert Dog family: Kim & Killian, with dogs Copper and Cricket
Right: Mom Kathleen and Luke provide testimony of Bodhi's service at luncheon after golfing
Boulder Boulder, May 29, Starting Line Security Volunteers: Foothills Kiwanians, family and friends

May 6, Key Club puts on Jungle Jam event for kids at the Salvation Army after school program. Great fun!

May 6: Taste of Downtown Boulder. Great day! Great fun! Great fundraiser.
Member Jerry Gilland is awarded the Channel 7 Everyday Hero Award for his dedication to setting up and running the Alert Dogs for Kids program. Watch the video here.

April 27: Jungle Jam event for Peak to Peak Elementary, organized by Peak to Peak High School Key Club, with sponsor Bob and Faculty advisor Rachel

Key Club members busy making masks in preparation for Jungle Jam Day
President David accepts Bell Ringing trophy on behalf of club for most hours and funds raised among all local service clubs. Over 220 hours and almost $14,000

2017 Stars of Tomorrow Competition, in Gordon Theater at the Dairy Center for Arts.
Beat in show: Kathryn K
Senior Classical: Cora T
Junior contemporary: Andrew W
Junior Classical: Brianna T & Shuya E
With thanks to club member Paul B and the CU CKI club for organizing the event, again

Monarch Key club plans the Winter Clothing drive
Kid's Need Kiwainis